To protect our content and models, the following rules must be adhered to by our affiliates:
1) The LittleMutt.com copyright notice must not be removed, hidden, or altered on any of our media.
2) LittleMutt.com content may not be used to promote other sites.
3) Whether you use our FHGs or build your own galleries or pages, our models may not be described using terms like "sluts," "whores," "bitches," or other euphemism for prostitute. Our models must be presented and described respectfully. We will review affiliate sites to ensure compliance.
4) The affiliate site as a whole must present and describe models and performers respectfully. Sites that describe women in degrading or offensive ways will be dropped from the program. Excessive use of terms like "sluts," "whores," or "bitches," used in the site generally, may lead to our dropping the affiliate from MuttCash. Again, we do review sites.
5) You may not in any way whatsoever state or imply that any of our models are under 18, nor may you suggest or imply or state that other models on the site are under 18.
6) You may not promote any content or activity that is illegal. This includes warez, childporn, beastiality, underage girls, or other inappropriate content. Affiliates whose sites are found to contain or promote inappropriate content will be deactivated. Note that this rule applies to the entire site and to sites that are linked, not merely to LittleMutt content or pages including or linking to LittleMutt content.
7) Affiliate sites should be fully and properly labeled with 2257 compliance notices when necessary. Affiliate sites that include any adult content should be registered and labeled with the RTA ("Restricted to Adults") label. See rtalabel.org.
If you already have a CCBill Affiliate account, you may load you data directly here: